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Card Name: Celebi
Card Condition: 
Near Mint

Series: XY (XY)

Set: XY Promo

Card #: XY111

Rarity: Promo

Type: Grass

Stage: Basic

Year Published: 2016

Celebi - XY Promos

SKU: XY PR 111 g
  • Celebi - Grass - 70 HP
    Pokémon - Basic

    C Time Call
    Flip a coin. If heads, search your deck for a card that evolves from 1 of your Pokémon and put it onto that Pokémon. (This counts as evolving that Pokémon.) Shuffle your deck afterward.

    G Leech Seed 10
    Heal 10 damage from this Pokémon.

    Weakness: Fire
    Resistance: none
    Retreat: 1

    Illustrated by Mitsuhiro Arita

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