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Josh & Jessica Roest - Owners of Boise Card Shop

We are Josh and Jessica, a Pokémon family that loves playing, trading, and collecting. While our Trading Card Game experience might have started with Pokémon, we have found joy in trying other TCG’s like One Piece and Sorcery. Boise Card Shop's goal is to provide a clean, safe and inviting place that encourages the growth the community around us.  For now, that will focus on our web store and building our local and online communities

...learn how to play this card game from Japan filled with little monsters and teach it to kids.

How we got here

We wanted to share our humble beginnings with you as we already have with most of our local players in Boise, Idaho. We met as coworkers at a Toys “R” Us. We were told to learn how to play this card game from Japan filled with little monsters and teach it to kids. Somewhere in between 2000 and now; we left the Pokémon game to finish college, find careers and started a family. And just like that - BAM! 25 years later here we are opening our own trading card game store. It wasn’t until one of the kids brought home a Pokémon card that we got sucked back in. Our family connected through Pokémon and we made a lot of great friends. With the backstory out of the way, why did we start our own store? We always dreamt about starting a store through our many years of playing Pokémon. In any game of strategy, timing is key. We are now in a stage of our lives where we can really focus on providing quality service while growing and enriching our local and online communities. We look forward to building and growing with you!

Josh as a volunteer at the Pokémon Worlds Championships.
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